Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Sept 15th - Lou Engle Special Guest Appearance


AMT - advanced Ministry Track - 10 weeks
Michael Brodeur and Steve Backland - church leadership
Theresa Dedmond - creative arts marketplace: fashion, photo, film, dance, art, food. Express
yourself without fear of performance, working with a mentor towards the completion of a project.
Sept 20th: meet with leaders
Learn about painting on stage: Sept 22nd at 11am. Room tbd. Run at fear!

50 and over meet and greet - tomorrow
Worship -

Testimony - Amy from England
How much do you think you are worth in Christ? $1000 random donation given to her

Lou Engle - introduction: only history will tell us all that his prayers have moved the Heavens.

Before there was a Jesus movement there was a Jesus fast. The Spirit drove Jesus into the
wilderness to release a new light to overcome the shadow of death. But this kind does not come
out but by prayer and fasting. "Atomic power of prayer and fasting" was released 70 years ago in
book form. 1947 was the start of William Branham. Oral Roberts prepared with fasting and
prayer. 1948 the book gets to Canada. The grace of fasting, not the legalism of fasting.
My claim to fame is that I've broken more fasts than any of you. He broke one fast with yoghurt
and chips. The next day a prophetic lady approaches him and says she has a disappointing
dream: she saw him breaking his fast with Chips and yoghurt!

1948 Israel becomes a nation. Joel 2. A global fasting movement begins. 1949: billy graham and
bill bright.

Bring in a new era of signs and wonder. Billy Graham's mantel. Thrust out labored I tot he

Ps 40
If there is a scroll foretelling our lives, we should be offering our lives to fulfill those prophecies.
Dreams are like chapter headings for

There's a scroll about my life. 1984, there's a black man saying come to LA to see unity and
revival. 1985, Frank Bartelman's book "Azusa Street" brought Lou to Pasadena. Frank lays hands
on a man and the neighbors gather. A lady who never played piano goes to a piano plays perfect
piano and worships in 8 different languages. Everything screamed to Lou, "this is who you are!"
Lou prayed, "God, give me the mantel of Frank Bartelman!" I saw this big black book and the title
said Revival. In the book was a picture of Frank Bartelman and his face turned to yours! Black
people will show us how they forgive and William Seymours of today will be released.

Lou had a dream of picking up MLK and he had a white bag with black handles. He dumped out
the contents of the white bag. It's how the blacks forgive us for all the white baggage that leads
us to revival.

He want to a Woman's Aglo meeting. A black lady comes up to him and black lady approaches
Lou and says she's looking for a Frank Bartelman.

3.5 years ago, these doors walked into my Hobbit hole and a word "there's coming a shift to the
prayer movement, stadiums will be filled, proclamation of the Gospel, billy Graham's mantel will
fall. A great awakening will occur in America."

The call Berkeley was with 70 Asians gave up a semester of school. Reconcile to a black man
who was ahead of the Azusa Street organization. He reconciled. This man says Azusa Street Call
is waiting for you. April 9th, 2016 is Azusa street anniversary. 110th anniversary of Azusa Street.
Memorial colloseam is the only stadium that hosted the World Series and super bowl. The same
stadium that Billy Graham hosted LA 1963 revival.

You have to re-member your past. Go back through your journals and study your past.
He knows he needs to meet with Bill Johnson. Bill is clearing his schedule. Daniel Bolinda
(Reinhard Bohnke's protege). Daniel says he will cancel his South America stadium gatherings to
be there and will bring his media team.

USC stadium is the place where the first super bowl was played. Vince Lombardi was the coach.
Two 11 year old girls described an open heaven 20 years ago. They said Mott auditorium is too
small. I see Vince Lombardi!

Dreams are like spies. Spy out the promised land.

The field of dreams is Lou's movie.
The stadium historian was present during the stadium tour. They built the stadium when LA was
only 250,000 in size. Then he said, "if you build it they will come."

After Class I searched online for how many people were in attendance:

The article was published Sept 9th, 1963. Exactly 52 years from the day BSSM started.

Listen to Lou Engle audio clip

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