Pushing for Jesus for years in schools and God began to drop, drop, drop more. After being here for 6 weeks Zek (at 2) prayed a plant would come back to life and a week later two bell peppers grew out of the dead plant.
You guys are loaded. I could say "pineapple" and you would get hit with Holy Spirit.
A revivalist is one who is focused... Hahaha!
Mt 28:18 - you have authority, so Go!
John G Lake - set up healing rooms in Spokane, Washington. He offered money for anyone who wouldn't get healed. Spokane became the healthiest city.
Testimony: mechanic showed him a video of a car running with no spark plugs.
1. Dream of this revival the night before
2. Dream the night before of the word exuberant. She didn't know what the word meant so she googled it! The definition means
a) Effusively and almost uninhibitedly enthusiastic; lavishly abundant
b) Abounding in vitality; overflowing; plentiful
c) Extremely good; overflowing; plentiful
d) Profuse in growth or production; luxuriant; superabundant
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