What did you learn about parables? It's the nature of God to hide things (whisper, not to shout). If you have gone a day or season without hearing from God, it doesn't mean he stopped speaking (we just weren't listening). When God is not trying to show off He is still infinitely amazing.
God is proactive hiding things and asks of us to proactive rim seeking Him. We should wake up and think "The God of hope hid something for me today."
We do things because they are right not because we feel like it - last night was one of those nights where I didn't feel excited about reading the Word. After the devotions I heard from God and felt such peach and encouragement.
P. 51 - mark 4:14. There's a war to keep you from hearing. I don't want you to have too big of a devil or no devil. Everyone is not going to heaven. The figurative example of hell being like a dump outside of Jerusalem doesn't mean there is no hell. Having no hell is what happens when teachers interpret prophetic words. Jesus said, "if I tell you earthly things and you don't get them, how will you understand heavenly thugs!?" There is a devil who has no power because all power is given to you.
When you prophesy you co-create with God. In the same way Adam named animals in the Garden he co-created with God. God made the animals he formed them out of dirt (not speaking it) leaving room for Adam to create some of its DNA. Why did he kill the prophets in the old testament and not the priests. Some people speak themselves to death.
I could teach you to prophesy in two hours. But you wouldn't have the core values to create life in people. You don't give s 15 year old a corvette to drive as a starter car.
P. 54 four voices that speak to you in the spirit realm
Your spirit
Holy Spirit
Evil spirits
You need the gift discerning spirits if the devil comes to you as an angel. The Bible in the hands of the devil is not true. The spirit of suicide was used to attack Jesus with the Bible.
The spirit God you are to be developing a relationship with is the Holy Spirit.
We will teach you to discern the voices but living in community is key. When the devil comes to you he doesn't feel like the devil.
Story: 2003, bethel had 5 prophets come over 12 months. Every one prophesied rival will come from the youth. I have a passion for my grandkids to outgrow me. The 4th person prophesied on a Friday night and I fell to the floor and I wept with grief. Maybe I was going through "manopause" [play off the word menopause] - I ran out of the building and drove home. He asked God what was gong on and God said my prophets are speaking from the second heaven. What does this mean?! Revival is not coming from the youth. Acts 2:17 says, "'And in the last days it shall be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams;" Omission is powerful. If a father says you are beautiful to just the second daughter how does the first daughter feel? What generation does the Bible honor - silver haired. What generation does your culture honor. The devil can't stop revival so he is trying to contain it to one generation. Malachi says, "And he will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the land with a decree of utter destruction." - Malachi 4:6
Lesson learned:
1) the devil doesn't necessarily teach you something bad but just partially true. Stay in community. The wounds of a faithful friend.
2) Your spirit can give you an encounter. You have a house of two spirits: a) good spirit and b) Holy spirit. The discernment challenge is "was that God or my spirit?" It gets more challenging as you become more and more like Jesus. Out of compassion you may give a "prophetic" word out of your good spirit.
Chapter 4 - Language of God
Vision - eyes open and you see a hologram movie
Dreams - close your eyes and imagine a purple alligator with a pink bow on it. That screen is the same one the Holy Spirit displays on.
Typically the Holy Spirit is speaking in hyrogryphics. It's like Chinese - character language in pictures.
Story: open vision (p. 60-61)
Two types of dreams
1) virtual reality dream - tell God if you give me dreams I will steward it. Then after s dream write it down and ask the Holy Spirit how to respond.
2) reality dream - our body dreams but our spirit doesn't dream.
Genesis 20:3 - God comes to Abimelech in his dream and wants him that he is a dead man.
Matthew 2:13 - angel comes to Joseph in a dream
Not all dreams are from God. First thing to ask is "what is the origin - is this dream of God?"
The devil will tell you the truth as long as it condemns you. Don't blame everything on the devil - especially if you are stimulating bad ideas with bad movies and bad news!
If you have a bad dream, pray for protection, ask Holy Spirit for ways to intercede, until the spirit lifts. If it doesn't lift, he calls his group of 5 intercessors to pray it off.
If it stays there after another 3+ days
People who have recurring panick attacks have lots of faith - but, their faith is in the wrong kingdom.
Rarely God prophesies doom to see if His people are listening and to see if he has a leader for His people. Exodus 22 God says I'm going to kill these people and make a new nation out of you. Moses, replies these are your people you led out of Egypt - what will the nations say of you if you kill your people? God changes His mind. Next God says I'm not going into promised land, instead I will send an angel. Moses says, I'd rather be in the wilderness with you than the promised land with an angel.
1) Kris is invited to a town devestated by a string of 5 deaths among teenagers who committed suicide in Oregon. He was asked to speak about life. A lady who sat alone in despair in the distance all three days. She joined them for the last session when Kris spoke on "Go can do anything." She challenged Chris and explained her son was one of the five that was dead. He heard the Holy Spirit say, "ask her if she wants to meet her son." He asked her and she said yes but not understanding what that meant. She fell back hard on the ground and entered a 3 hour vision. When she came out she joyfully shared how God took her to heaven and was comforted by her son that he was fine.
2) Kris was praying for people and saw a lady and knew she had 7 abortions. He spoke life over her and as he prophesied over her she explained she had 7 abortions. He asked if he would like to meet these babies. She soon went into a trance and had a vision of heaven where she met these 7 little ones who had died.
Kris explained this has happened many other times.
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